Bachelor of Applied Science (Civil Engineering), University of Toronto, 1968.
Continued Education
Certificate, six-day Management Course for Presidents, Jasper, Alberta, 1970.
Canadian Construction Association’s Gold Seal Certifications for both Estimator & Project Manager, 1995.
Several quality courses in the 1990’s, related to The Loaring Companies Construction Group’s unique set of quality awards:
Loaring Group Ltd., one of only four Canadian General Contractors to receive Chrysler Canada’s QE Quality Excellence Award in the 1991 inaugural year of this award programme.
Loaring Group Ltd.’s Ford Q1 Quality Award, 1996 – the first Canadian-based company in the overall construction industry to receive this award.
The Loaring Companies Construction Group’s ISO-9001 certification, 1999, for both design and construction, among the first six general contractors in Canada (including one other Ontario company) to receive this broader quality status.
Certified Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) course, St. John Ambulance courses, Royal Life Saving courses, and many other construction safety courses/seminars.
Participant in other courses/seminars covering athletics, coaching, officiating, insurance and bonds, liens, construction claims and disputes, contract forms, financial management & controls, data processing, marketing, pre-engineered metal buildings, aquatic facilities, etc.
Memberships, Directorships & Awards
Member, Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario, 1964 to approx. 2019; registered as professional engineer since 1971, changed to retired status approx.. 2006; former licensee of corresponding associations in six other provinces.
Personal and corporate memberships in construction, business, recreational, and community associations.
President, Loaring Holdings Ltd. (including amalgamating companies), since 1969, following other executive officer roles in 1967-1969.
Member, Canadian Construction industry two-week mission to Iran and Saudi Arabia, sponsored by the Federal Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce, 1975.
Director, Construction Labour Relations Association of Ontario, 1976-1977.
Director, Windsor Construction Association (WCA), 1979-1985, including appointments as President and other executive officer positions, as well as position of Chairman of various WCA and related committees.
Director, Construction Safety Association of Ontario (with a membership of approx. 40,000 Ontario corporations), 1980-1991, including appointments to Executive Council, 1983-1991, and to Management Committee, 1985-1991 (including appointment of President); additional appointments to related safety organizations.
Official at swimming meets, 1983-1987; certified as a swimming official by the Canadian Amateur Swimming Association.
Director & Secretary, Windsor/Essex County Sports Hall of Fame and Museum, 1989 to 2015.
Director, Executive Officer, Committee Chair, and/or Member of many Windsor & Essex County sports facilities committees and sports organizations, 1986-1992.
Olympic Games Staff Member (Volunteer), and Participant (receiving silver medal & gold diploma) in the Cultural Olympiad, The Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games, Atlanta, Georgia, 1996.
Other Recreational
Winner of the Royal Arcanum Award for “the most outstanding athlete of the Windsor Secondary Schools”, 1963-1964 (city champion in track & field, cross country running, swimming, tennis, and badminton); also, competitor, Canadian Water Polo Championships, 1963.
Winner of the Chancellor Cody Trophy and the R.H. Perry Trophy at the University of Toronto, each for three consecutive years for track & field performances, 1965-1967.
Member of relay teams setting three Canadian native track & field records, 1966-1967.
Most Memorable Athlete Award, 1960’s decade, Kennedy Collegiate Institute 50th Anniversary Reunion, 1979.
Selections from Olympic memorabilia collection featured in numerous publications, an HBO documentary, and exhibitions in several countries, including a United States Holocaust Memorial Museum exhibition travelling to USA musea since 1996.